Monday, July 26, 2010

Im back........with reptiles and rodants:)

I want to apologize to all of the readers out there for not writing more frequently. But, I do have an excuse....we just recently bought our own internet, so now I can get online anytime without worrying about getting booted off:) Before there was a 10 percent chance that I could connect to one of my neighbors services and then all of a sudden it went down to zero. I was almost about to break down and cry because I missed talking to my friends and family, but my super cool husband our own service before a tear could fall. Sooooo I don't even know where to start it's been like 2 weeks and it feels like a month. I'm home sick today so I thought I'd sit in bed and start writing to you all.
First things First, last Thursday (which is our Saturday) my husband and I decided to scrub the floors in the hall way with our hands. I had already mopped the floor over 4 times but there was this hard film that had to be scrubbed off with a Brillo and some elbow grease. A day prior to that I was in the hall bathroom and notice some black stuff in the toilet. The toilet had been turned off due to it not being in use and also because the water wouldn't stop running. I looked a little closer and to my surprise I saw mouse droppings:( Trust me I know what mouse droppings look like because back in the states we had mice in our garage stealing out peanuts, LOLOL). Anywho although I was sure what it was I wanted my husband to see. Before I could call him in the bathroom to take a gander he yelled "come look theres a gecko in our living room". I ran and to my surprise this wonderfully colored creature was chillin on the wall near the crown modeling. It's hard to explain the colors but inshallah I'll be able to post a picture of it. After seeing that one might say, ok that was enough excitement for me in one day, but it gets worse.
I call my husband into the bathroom to see the poop, LOLOL and hes like are you sure. I told him that I had experience in this field of work LOLOL but he still wasn't convinced. So we both agreed to turn the water on to flush it all down. OMGOSHHHH just thinking about it makes me sick. What do you think happened next...... besides me screaming and jumping in the tub. The mouse apparently was chillin in the pipes, so when the water turned on the little mousy woousy popped hes ugly little head out. I flipped out, lololol and my husband jumped (maybe because I screamed so loud) and slammed the lid shut. How on earth did it get in there were wondering. I believe it was crashed up the three flights of stairs by all these stray cats and made its way under our door wheres there a tiny crack, and into the only dark place it could hide. My husband on the other hand thinks something totally different. We, I mean my husband stands there holding the lid shot for about 5 minutes. Were both wondering if it went down and died or if its floating in the toilet as we spoke. Finally we got the courage to open it up, and it was gone. Later I researched them and found out a lot of things that freaked me out. One is that they can jump up to 12 inches off the ground, and 38 from a running start. They are also good swimmers and are able to squeeze under 1/4 of an inch gap. I don't know why I read all this, it just freaked me out even more. I immediately thought of my mother who can't stand the mere sight of these creatures, and my aunt T, who would pass out if she saw it poke its head out of her toilet. Regardless of how the mouse got in the toilet, we now know to keep the water on. Luckily houses here are made of all cement so they cant live in walls here( thank Allah for that). That night In bed I kept thinking about seeing its little black beady eyes and I would randomly grunt in disguised. Inshallah I wont see another living thing in my house for a long time...besides my husband of course.

1 comment:

  1. Halimah I had no idea u moved to Saudi Arabia and got married! Congrats I hope you're having a blast =)
