Friday, June 18, 2010

3rd world!

It's after Fajr(before dawn prayer), and like usual I cant sleep, so I decided to talk to you all:) Soooo " HOW YOU DOING" LOLOLOL Alhumdulillah all is well with me, I can't complain about anything, and even if I could I would try my best to keep my mouth zipped. Sometimes it takes a lot for a person to realize how good they have it. Sometimes it takes loosing something, or to find something that means so much to them. Sometimes it takes seeing others without, or being without to really truly appreciate all that you have. I'm not talking about cars and clothes people, I'm talking about what most people think that they are expected to have. Food, clothes on there back, a few dollars in there pockets. It came as a huge shock to me when I came here and saw how some people live. At the end of the day, despite the millions of muslims that come year around, there are still, and will always be the less fortunate.
No person is able to count the blessings Allah gives you everyday, but having this experience has definitely made me more aware of them. AS I WALK THROUGH THE STREETS OF MEDINA, I see a poor women with her child begging, I see several children running around with dirty feet and no shoes on a very hot day. I see some very young children hustling cold water trying to earn a few bucks for their families. I watch a blind man (which happens to be my landlord)get escorted back home by two men holding each of his arms. Its funny how, despite being less fortunate they still have a smile and contentment in their hearts. Despite there everyday struggle I believe they understand that eventually it will all end. Shaytan (the devil) scares you with poverty. What would happen if I lost everything today in a fire? Am I going to stop believing in Allah just because of a misfortune, No! Inshallah, Allah will give me the strength to keep it moving and remember that I am on the straight and narrow path(Al siratal mustaqeem:) back to the creator.
Sometimes I find it difficult to write my feelings down on paper. I don't think I do my thoughts any justice with words. I just thank Allah all the time, for everything. My hearing, My sight, my ability to walk, talk, and feel, my family, my friends, my husband, Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah) I could go on and on. In a hadith (saying of the prophet saw) the prophet advises a man to take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death." After reading that it makes you want to stop reading this silly blog and go and do something more productive huh lololol. But it serves as a reminder for everyone. This saying reminds me to be grateful in every condition, remember him(ALLAH) in all, and to remain steadfast, and patient.

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