So I'm in the kitchen cleaning up when suddenly my husband rushes in and hand me the phone. I'm mouthing to him " who the heck is this" as the women joyfully says Hello. He's like " I don't know, I think a friend of my moms who's coming for Ummrah (pilgrimage preformed at any time.) So I'm on the phone with this nice women pretending to know who she is. After a few minutes we say our goodbyes and hang up. Then I realized who it was. Remember the women I met at the airport who was sooooo nice to me,( shared her tea and feta cheese croissant:)). Well that was her:) I had told myself that I was going to call her and thank her, but she beat me to the punch. I 'm so glad she called me, I told my husband that I would never forget her, and now perhaps I wont because we may keep in contact throughout my stay here. Inshallah she will come and visit me, and I can cook her dinner to show her my appreciation.
On another note, today was the first day that my husband and I went to the Prophets Masjid (Masjid nabawi) for Isha. Inshallah, God willing we will do that every night, or as much as possible. On the drive there I was extremely excited. I've been there for Jummah (friday prayer), but on that day it's so packed, and 9 times out of 10 if your not there an hour and a half before it starts you'll be taking a nice hot seat outside. So I was thrilled to say the least because I knew I would be able to go inside with the nice cool air, and really get to spend some one on one time with my Creator. Well that trip doesn't come without sheer terror. I already made you all aware of how people drive here. It's Absolutely crazy and I really think it will take a life time for me to get use to it. Anywho, were driving on a road with about three lanes on our side and three lanes on the other side and between the two sides there is a raised surface with a few palm trees. My husband is constantly telling me to get use to it because that's the way it is, I guess when in Rome you have to act like a roman LOL. So, were driving about 25-35 miles an hour, when suddenly the van in front of us slams on its breaks, In shock I look up and see a girl that had to be less then 5 crossing three lanes of traffic with her arms out, as if that's gonna prevent her from getting hurt. Allah as my witness, My heart jumped out of my chest. I for sure thought that little girl was going to go flying in the air. WHERE THE HECK WERE HER PARENTS!!! Man that really scared me, I really don't want to see anyone die let alone get seriously injured. The way people drive here, I think its bound to happen, I pray to Allah that he protects these pedestrians walking, especially these little children ( who seem to walk aimlessly in the street here). I've always had a phobia of crossing the street, but these kids think there super hero's I guess. God willing they will be protected.
So after recovering from a slight heart attach I finally managed to make it the the Masjid. It's so much better in the evening when its a lot cooler (85-90 LOL). Once inside I have plenty of time to greet the masjid with prayer, and to sit and just make duaa (personal supplication). When I'm praying I try my hardest to name all the people I pray for and there families. I'm almost positive that I say pretty much all the peoples names that actually take time and read my blog (thanks again). I'm also able to send peace and blessing on the Prophet (saw), before the actually prayer starts.
After about 40 minutes after the prayer they allow women to go to the Rawdah part of the masjid. From the outside the Rawdah it located directly under the green dome, where the Prophets saw (peace and blessing be upon him) tomb is located. Muslims believe this area to be part of Heaven on Earth. There I was standing in the exact location where the Prophet (saw) lived, and died. Once again I'm at a loss for words. Despite the chaos of all the sister trying to get in this particular area, My heart was at ease. I close my eyes and all the pushing and shoving don't seem to phase. I cry, and cry, and cry some more, as I reflect on his life and what he went through for his ummahs sake. I cry as I reflect on life and the struggles we all are faced with. I have faith that this world we call life will soon end, and nothing that we cry for now will even matter then. The feelings that you have can't be passed on through word of mouth, each and every person has to experience it for themselves. I'm so thankful that I was invited to this blessed city to live (not just visit) and reap the benefits of the "City of the Prophet".
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