what's up you guys,,,,It's been awhile. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to write anymore, but then as soon as I get started the wheels start to spin, and I don't know where to begin. Plus it helps that my mom tells me to keep writing:) Well not much has happened since I wrote to you all last. But I did get a chance to meet one of my husbands students family. My husband went with his student to look for a car on Friday, and I stayed with the wife in there home. Mashallah she is a very nice person and shes willing to help me with my Quranic arabic, double plus. In the mean time I too can help her and her cute little one year old girl with English, since everyone here wants to learn it. It's kind of like America and Spanish, everyone here knows that learning English can open so many doors and be beneficial in the long run.
After learning that my neighbor doesn't eat DINNER until around 2am, I had to ask my new friend Sahar what time she ate. Although late I felt 10pm was way more reasonable then 2am. Now when I tell people my husband and I eat after Maghrib prayer which is around 8, they all look at Me like I'm the crazy one, and even 8 is late. So when I arrived at her house at around 6 I knew it was no way near dinner time, and I also knew that she was gonna stuff me with all sorts of goodies:) First came the ice cream. Here vanilla ice cream with crushed pistachios on top is very popular. I don't think I would have ever ordered that on my own, but now I think Its starting to grow on me. It seems like they put pistachios on everything, ice cream, cookies, cake, you name it(Its a good thing I actually like Pistachios huh). So after that we had coffee and cookies. That's one thing about people here, they don't take No for an answer. So I drank coffee (which is rarely ever) and ate some lovely chocolates:) And this is why Inshallah (God willing) when the smokes clears and were a bit more settled I'm gonna start working out consistently, and finish studying to be a personal trainer. I don't think I'm lacking any over weight sisters that's for sure. My goal is to stay fit while I'm here and also prove to all of my friends that not everyone gains 10-15 pounds once they get married:)
Anywho, keep in mind that she knows very, very little English and I know very little Arabic, so it's like playing a game of charades, LOLOL I'm literally acting out using body language, facial expressions, sounds, lolol anything to get my point across. It starts out fun, then it becomes exhausting, and I end up pulling out the Arabic/English dictionary. When her husband came to my house my husband offered him some banana pudding, (shout out to my Grandma for the recipe:) He ended up loving it and telling his wife about it. So when I was there she told me that her husband had something very good with bananas and I knew exactly what she was referring to. I offered to give her the recipe, and she immediately started to write it down. Well that game of charades took about 10 minutes, and immediately after she asked me if I wanted to help her make it. "NOW" I asked,(surprised she had all the ingredients on hand) shes like "yeaaa why not", LOLOL. So that's what we did the second half of my visit, make banana pudding. I guess it was a bonding experience because we worked together, and I showed her exactly what to do, so next time she'll be a pro:) I like her a lot and she seemed to like me to because when I left she said in broken English/Arabic, You and me are friends:) I thought that was so cute, and replied of course, and kissed her and her cute little one goodbye. Gotta go pray Fajr, and then crash after since I didn't go to sleep. I'll write again later Inshallah!!!
ok grandma johnny hardly ever left alabama who knew she would be all the way over in medina with her banana pudding..ok grandma i see your work..pudding bringing people together all the way across the world (rip grandma) ;o}-