So after much suspense I finally met my neighbor. Awhile back her husband gave my husband tons of food because they were going out of town, and didn't want anything to go to waste. Alhumdulillah most of the items were used except this one vegetable. I had know idea what it was, therefore I had know idea how to cook the darn thing. It came from a store that didn't really have English written on anything so It's so difficult sometimes to tell what things are. When I figure out what kind of veggie it is I'll be sure to let you know.
She told me her name and her 2 kids names (one girl and one boy) but for the life of me I can't remember any, except that her daughters name starts with an "M". It's so hard being the new person, they have to remember one name, (and my name is a very common name here, like Michelle in America) and I have to remember all these names that I never even heard of in my life. Shes from Bahrain Mashallah, so shes the first person I met from there. Despite me not knowing much Arabic and her not knowing much English we still manage to get our point across, It's amazing LOL. We actually have a friend in common. One of the girls in my Quranic class knows her very well. So yesterday while shopping with my husband she gave me a call and told me that she was visiting my neighbor, and to come over:)
When I got home I was multi-tasking, talking to my mom on the phone and putting the groceries away when I heard my doorbell ring. LOLOL it was my neighbor, and she said in Arabic what are you doing come over LOLOLOL I told her I would be there as soon as I was done talking with my mother, and she said ok. I feel like this foreshadows how our relationship is going to be if you know what I mean;).Alhumdulillah shes a pleasant person and I could see myself over there playing with the kids etc. When I dropped in I knew it was going to be short because my husband wasn't feeling to well and I had a pot of water on the stove for tea. I told her I was just saying hello, and that I had to go. She said why, LOLOLOL and I told her that my husband was sick. Next thing I know were in her kitchen, and shes over her stove brewing up something for him. I was trying to tell her that he wasn't like cough cough sick, but just wasn't feeling 100%, but I don't think she cared to understand that part:). She got butter out of her fridge and started heating that up. Then, she put milk in it once the butter had browned and let the milk simmer. And that was it, LOL she said that its for a cough, which he didn't have, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. I don't know what it is with being sick and people saying drink warm milk. What the heck does that do? Kill the bug inside you??? I feel like I need a logical explanation for that one, I'm not a kitten,LOLOL. I do think I'll be making it again, being as though my husband though it was the best thing on earth lolol (once I added some honey to sweeten it up). That was very nice of her, and I thanked her when she came knocking 10 minutes later to borrow garlic, LOLOLOLOLolololol (1 something in the morning).
My husband is already acquainted with her husband and he actually took me to his store to get some household items. When I went over there the other day, I told her I had to go when it was around Maghrib time (evening prayer, around 7:20). She says whyyy, and I told her that's what time we eat, and she looked at me as if that was strange. She then explained that she eats around 2 or 3 with her husband, I guess before he goes in for work (he doesn't get home until 1 or 2 am. So like anyone else would think from America, Wow thats extremely early, that's more like lunch. Well I told my husband what she said, and immediately he's like LOLOL are you crazy she means 3am, that's typical in Saudi. I told him no way, they may eat late here, but thats considered early in my book, it being 3am and all lololol. Well I soon realized he was right when she knocked at my door at like 1:30AM for some garlic LOLOL crazy huh. we'll Im adjusting to there culture but I'm for sure not changing dinner time to 3am, NOT gonna happen.
Anywho The friend we have in common is actually from Uzbekistan, so again shes the first person I met from there as well. Shes very nice too Mashallah and she also was recently married. She knows a little English so shes a great help, and teaches me a lot.
Alhamdulillah ( All praise due to God), I feel good. I'm slowly adjusting to the culture and life here in Saudi Arabia, which isn't as drastic as it seems. Once I get some of the language down, I know I'll feel wayyy more comfortable. Now I'm struggling to communicate my thoughts and feelings, so that can be a little frustrating, but I'll be patient Inshallah and get the langauge down sooner then later.
I was telling my husband the other night that a long time ago I use to listen to a lot of music and then it would be stuck in my head for days after. It was typically for people to say " Halimah, why do you know every song that comes on ". Now Alhumdulillah Instead of having a song that I heard either on the radio or in a store stuck in my head I now have Quran stuck in there Subhanallah ( glory to Allah). I study so much that when I'm done studying that's the only thing I hear in my head. The actually words of Allah, it's a nice feeling, wayyyy better then Alicia keys or any other artist, LOL. At the rate I'm learning I should be able to learn the last section of the Holy book which is about 36 chapters. Inshallah that's my goal so we shall see if it's met before I come back to the states (Not sure exactly when that will be).
I love you all! have a good one.
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