Fridays here is equivalent to an American Christians Sunday. It's a day where Muslims go to the Masjid for congregational worship. Since my husband and I don't have a car, its an event that pretty much last the greater part of a day. Last Friday like all the other Fridays since I've been here we had to walk to the main street that goes in the direction of the Masjid to bum a ride. Once again we waited less then 5 minutes for a complete stranger to give us a lift for 6 riyals which is about a $1.50 (I'm sure I mentions that before but I still cant believe it). I guess I'm getting use to it, but still will never do that alone. After we make it to the congregational prayer called Jummah we usually walk to the famous saudi fast food joint called Al baik and get a bite to eat. Surprisingly this time there weren't a million people in line so we got our food pretty fast, Alhumdulillah.
Something that I have to get use to her is the people and manors. For one, they have no sense of personal space. As I stand in line to order, I'm continuously bumped around by all the hungry women it's ridiculous. My husband told me that you can't be nice and now I see he's totally right. I feel I'm natural a polite person, and at first I attempted to stay true to who I really am, LOLOLOL But seriously, you can't. If I didn't push back 20 women would openly cut in front of me as if i was invisible, Seriously!!! So here is where my height is used to my advantage. I simply stiffen my arm out and its as simply as that, I don't even have to say anything, (although sometime I say in English hold your horses, the foods not going any where)LOLOL. Thats just how it is here, you can't be shy here that's all I have to say.
So once we eat and enjoy the nice air conditioning inside we go right back to Masjid nabawi for Asr(the third prayer of the day). We spend some time there watching the people, which is quit entertaining. Mashallah the atmosphere around the masjid is like no other, you get a since of contentment in your heart, and I guess your just happy to be around the beloved saw. It's not uncommon for someone to take your shoes though, by accident of course(wink wink, I don't want to accuse anyone of stealing). My husband had his shoes taken I believe three times since he's been here, Subhanallah. Let me remind you all that the masjid is surrounded by marble, so imagine how hot that gets when its 115 + degrees outside. For sure you could have your eggs sunny side up, or scrambled with cheese:). But Mashallah there are people out there that do things fisibillah, for Allahs sake. My husband and I literally stood and watched this nice man stand outside the masjid passing out flip flops to people who had LOST there shoes:) You should of seen him, he was on the prowl looking at everyone's feet in order to spot out a helpless victim walking swiftly due to the burning of the marble on their souls. My husband was like, "Man I wish that guy was here when I didn't have any shoes" LOLOLOL. I just wanted to tell the man that what he was doing was great:) I love to see people helping one another, its a beautiful thing. Kindness is universal, all praise due to Allah!
So after our live entertainment was done we started walking toward the street that leads us to our house. I like walking here, despite the weather because lately I haven't been that active, so I feel like I'm doing a little something when I walk. I'm use to working out, but until we buy all my workout equipment, the walking will have to do. So we walked, and walked and walked some more, until finally we were both ready to try and get a ride. Well that didn't happen as easily as all the other times and we ended up walking ALLLLL the way home LOLOLOL. Its funny because as we walked I joked and said to my husband," what if we walked all the way home" and he replied "yea right". Well That happened, not without me being clumsy of course, LOL. Not paying attention, I accidently walked right of the curb and into a NASTY water puddle, EWWWWWWWWWW it was soo nasty! My husband and I laughed, and he said " don't worry it will be dry in no time, LOLOLOL, I wasn't even worried about that, I was more concerned with how stupid I looked, LOL. And before that my wonderful husband led me through a pile of crushed glass and it went through my slipper. Alhumdulillah I only had a tiny cut! Now I know to wear better shoes anytime I go to the Masjid because those slippers felt like I was bare foot after 30 minutes. overall I had a good time, despite all the happenings and would do it again in a heartbeat )with proper shoes of course:)), I don't know if my husband feels the same way though,LOLOLOL it was almost a 2 hour walk! But I told him to appreciate this walk and be happy because it's time well spent with one another, and the likelihood that we do that again once we get a car is slim to none. So Alhumdulillah for everything.
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